Isolation Tapes
Limited to 1000 3LP Sets.Einzel-LP/Einzel-CD plus Live-CD. Die Tracks der Live-CD befinden sich bei der 3xLP auf den anderen beiden Vinyls!
Während es bei Kadavar und ihrer musikalischen Entwicklung immer um Befreiung und das Überschreiten der Grenzen des Retro-Rock-Genres ging, ist dies noch ein größerer Schritt in einen Kosmos, in dem das Dogma des klassischen Trio-Ansatzes völlig hinter sich gelassen wird. Sie verwenden dreifache Vokalharmonien und trippige Gitarrensoli, die sanft auf einem Ozean von Vintage-Synthesizern reiten. Dazu drückt das Schlagzeug und die Bassgitarre ruhig von unten. Mehr Pink Floyd wie Black Sabbath und das ist auch gut so (um mal mit einer ausgelutschten Phrase zu schließen). PS: Wie der Titel „The Isolation Tapes“ vermuten lässt, sind die Songs allesamt im ersten Covid 666 Lockdown enstanden.
While KADAVAR and their musical evolution has always been about liberation and pushing the boundaries of the retro rock genre, this is an even bigger step into a cosmos where the dogma of the classic trio approach is completely left behind. You’ll hear triple vocal harmonies and intricate guitar solos gently riding an ocean of vintage synthesizers, while the tectonic slabs of drums and bass quietly push from below. Listen to The Isolation Tapes in its entirety here!
„It all came at once, and there was no way to fight it,“ says Lupus Lindemann. „No more touring, staying at home, putting everything on hold. With all the downsides of the lockout, there were a few days where I just felt free as a bird. I was unavailable, and that was a good thing. It’s been a while since I’ve really felt that way. And I think we all needed it. We could just drift and make music, whatever came to mind.“
Tiger Bartelt notes, „We used to have something like a clear vision when we started making a record. And it was always part of making a connection to the previous record. This time it was different. We had no direction, no expectation of ourselves, I would even say. Corona took away our gravity…“
Verfügbare Formate:
3er Deluxw Edition 1000x